Can New Jersey Pinelands Swamp Compete With Alaskan Swamp?


Alaska Swamp by Richard Lewis 2014

Alaska Swamp by Richard Lewis 2014

vs. New Jersey

Wading River Atlantic White Cedar Swamp

Along the Wading River by Richard Lewis 2012

Dead In The Water 6 by Richard Lewis 2014

Dead In The Water 6 by Richard Lewis 2014

I’ve been told that I am a master of swamp photography. Is this a distinction that one should be proud of? Maybe. There is a very mystical and strange charm about a swamp, especially the Cedar swamps of the Pine Barrens, that is worth the effort to capture with a camera.

One of the most surprising things we saw in Alaska was how a river running off the Mendenhall glacier created an Alaskan version of a Cedar swamp. I don’t know if the trees in the first photograph are actually cedars, but the scene is surprisingly similar to the Pines Barrens, sans the glacier and mountains.

So, here is the question… Is a dark, misty New Jersey swamp more attractive than a swamp framed by the dramatic Alaskan landscape? What do you think?