Bird Photography from a Non-Bird Photographer

A Bird Amongst The Berries by Richard Lewis 2015

Robin’s Dance by Richard Lewis 2015

Robin’s Portrait by Richard Lewis 2015

Sitting Pretty by Richard Lewis 2015
I recently attended a workshop on bird photography presented by Larry Lyons, a fellow local photographer. When describing how to photograph our feathered friends, he used the expression, “f/8 and be there.” For non-photographers, f/8 is a camera setting and in this expression it means know your equipment. Be there, means just that, be in the moment.
Recently, one of those moments happened outside my dining room window. During breakfast, my wife noticed that there were a bunch of robins eating the berries on our holly bush. When we looked closer we saw that there were actually hundreds of birds. We figured that a flock of migrating robins noticed our bush and decided to make a little rest stop and take turns eating the berries.
I don’t have the super fast cameras and lenses needed to photograph birds, but I do have equipment that I know very well, so I set the camera and started shooting. I learned that morning what it means to “be there” when photographing wildlife. By not having to fuss with my equipment, I could watch what these little birds were doing and study how they move, eat and react. I was eventually able to anticipate what they would do next.
Not having the right gear to freeze the action, I decided to catch the robins in their decisive moments while they treated themselves to the large number of tasty berries our holly bush is sporting this winter. I love these images because I got to know these little birds better while spending time watching them.
Love that very first image.
Thanks Terry, it is my favorite one too.
absolutely gorgeous work Rich…especially that first photo…breathtaking!
keep it up!
Kevin Wax General Manager, Wax Family Printing, LLC Pastor, Blackman Baptist Church Cell 615-429-7890
Become a BBC Prayer Partner
That is the plan Kevin. Nice to hear from you.
I think they got to know you too Rich!!! Beautiful shots!!
Thanks Kathy, They did stop being less afraid of me at one point.
Unbelievable! What an opportunity! They are beautiful. Now you know you can lay in wait this time next year.
Thanks Season. This has probably happened for years without us noticing it. I’m glad it came to our attention.
Rich, Your images are outstanding. You captured their detail, their movement, and their behavior. I just love that expression “f8 and Be There’ and you certainly did it. Best regards.
Thanks for the compliment Larry, and for your inspiration.
Wonderful shots!
Fantastic photos and so now you are a bird photographer! The feather detail is amazing and the red berries are a nice addition to the images. (On another note, I recognize these Robins as the same ones that bombed my car over at the Art Center! OK … there so attractive, I’ll forgive them.)
All your pictures are spectacular but I was blown away with the photos of the robins. Absolutely beautiful.
Thank you Shirley. I appreciate your comment.