Sunset At The Old Cabin by Richard Lewis

Sunset At The Old Cabin by Richard Lewis 2013

One winter evening, I came upon this old cabin in the New Jersey Pine Barrens by accident, resulting in the image above. For some reason I keep feeling the need to return and see it in different light and at different times of the year. As an added benefit, I recently was given access to the property by the landowner. The first two images were taken with my telephoto lens from a distance. They are now supplemented with a wide angle lens from close up.

The cabin is an odd structure, even for the Pine Barrens. It is a hodgepodge of building materials and as small as it is, the cabin is half barn and half living space.

Old Cabin in the Pines by Richard Lewis

Old Cabin in the Pines by Richard Lewis 2014

The Old Driveway by Richard Lewis

The Old Driveway by Richard Lewis 2015

Back Of The Old Cabin by Richard Lewis

Back Of The Old Cabin by Richard Lewis 2015

Back Of The Old Cabin by Richard Lewis

Back Of The Old Cabin by Richard Lewis 2105

What started out as a simple discovery and a single photograph has turned into a series. If I have learned anything from this and some other projects (the Scranton Lace Company), is that rather than excelling at documentary photography, I tend to want to record things artistically. I don’t really want to document the way a photojournalist would.

I photographed every room I could get to in this cabin, but only one looked like it was something I wanted to share. The last photograph above shows how the little cabin was built or patched with an odd assortment of materials and how it is deteriorating. Artistically, the photograph also shows a play of light and shadow and how moss growing on a concrete floor can look oddly like a strange green shag carpet. The latter two things is why I love photography and this particular photograph.
