Lancaster County Pennsylvania

2019-10-07T09:19:06-04:00October 7th, 2019|

Do No Harm With Your Photography Lancaster County in Pennsylvania is known for its Amish and Mennonite religious sects. The Amish are a closed sect that shun the modern trappings of life and choose to live without electricity and the machinery driven by it. They farm with horses and travel in horse drawn buggies which makes them particularly attractive to photographers. But, [...]

The Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania

2017-05-23T15:22:21-04:00April 15th, 2017|

Finding the Wonder in the Simple The Tucquan Glen Nature Preserve is located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I was surprised at how beautiful this little preserve is as it follows the cascading Tucquan Creek down to the Susquehanna River. The hiking trails look well traveled so I was happy to be there on a cold weekday that was free of the weekend and [...]

Pennhurst Hospital Revisited

2017-05-19T10:35:46-04:00August 17th, 2016|

I'm not sure why I went back to the old Pennhurst Hospital which is often referred to as the "Shame of Pennsylvania." The hospital for "feeble-minded children" (from its original name) was built in 1908 and had a long history of being overcrowded, underfunded and understaffed which lead to abuse and neglect of the young residents until it was closed in the 1980's. [...]

Eastern State Penitentiary

2017-05-19T10:36:02-04:00July 24th, 2015|

Visiting an Historic Jail in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania I may be the only photographer in my area not to have photographed the historic Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In an effort to express my own photographic voice, I tend to shy away from the more popular places for photographers... and this is a very popular place. However, when my friend and amazing photographer, Pat Worley, invited [...]

Shooting War – A New Project

2018-02-22T09:39:37-05:00December 12th, 2014|

This is a very different project for me and I would greatly appreciate it if you took the time and left a comment or even a like to let me know what you are think.  My stint as a war photographer These photographs are the first in a series that I will be doing about World War II re-enactors called Serving the Cause of [...]

iPhoneography at Fonthill Castle

2017-05-19T10:36:09-04:00November 19th, 2014|

With iPhoneography, the process helps drives the vision Fonthill Castle in Doylestown, Pennsylvania is much more than just the early 20th century historic home of an eccentric millionaire. It is a challenging and amazing place to photograph and a boot camp for composition. My previous blog post about photographing here featured images made with my regular camera. The images in this post were created [...]

Fonthill Castle in Doylestown Pennsylvania

2017-05-19T10:36:09-04:00November 11th, 2014|

Henry Mercer’s castle is actually a photographic training ground I’m not sure why I decided to join photographer John Barclay on a photo tour of Fonthill Castle. Fonthill is the name of a bizarre home built by a wealthy eccentric named Henry Mercer in the early 20th century. Located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, it consists of a strange layout of rooms which are connected [...]

Winter on the Delaware River

2017-05-19T10:36:24-04:00February 9th, 2014|

Winter View on the Delaware River by Richard Lewis 2014 Setting up my tripod along the Delaware River in and around Bucks County, Pennsylvania reminds me that I am following in the foot steps of a long line of artists who captured and continue to capture the charming Bucks County landscape. When I compose a photograph and focus the camera, I often [...]

A Trip to the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania

2017-05-19T10:36:26-04:00October 16th, 2013|

Recently seven photographers from the South Jersey Camera Club and I went to the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania for a two day field trip. Working around other photographers can be very interesting as it inspires us all to do things differently. None of us want to walk away from a beautiful place like this with the same photographs in our cameras. Here [...]

Photo Impressionism, I Get It Now

2017-05-19T10:36:30-04:00July 22nd, 2013|

For years I’ve called myself a Photo Impressionist and even named this blog accordingly. Outside of being a really neat moniker to hang on one’s photographic style, I had no idea what I meant by the term until a friend gave me a book called Pennsylvania Impressionism. The book is about the artists who lived in and around New Hope during the [...]