Rocky Mountain National Park

Colorado Rocky Mountains

2017-08-03T16:10:41-04:00August 3rd, 2017|

Photography On A Time Budget Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Park, a dream trip for a landscape photographer right? Well, not this time. When we visited Colorado to attend a family wedding, time was limited to mostly enjoying the company of family and old friends. Although there was no time to hike into the Rocky Mountains and find some beautiful remote back country [...]

The Rocky Mountains, My View

2017-05-19T10:36:30-04:00July 3rd, 2013|

A friend and I were swapping hiking stories and he said something like,  “Don’t you just love the Rocky Mountains?” I thought about it and said that it is more like I respect them. These photographs were taken over the last two years in and around Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. I realize from putting them together that what I find most attractive [...]