Learn the Art and Technique of Photography
Learn how to turn this snapshot…

… into this photograph.

What I teach can be applied to all types of photography
With my individual and small group photography lessons you will learn create artistic photography. No matter what subjects you like to photographs, photography lessons will make you a better photographer through learning the art and technology of photography.
- Have you wondered what it takes to be a better photographer?
- Do you wonder why your photographs never seem to come out the way you wish they did?
- Do you want to learn how to use the features of your camera?
I would love to help you. Photography is more than just point and shoot even if you use a point and shoot camera. A great photograph is probably 10% the result of the equipment and 90% the vision and skill of the photographer. Let my photography lessons teach you how to be a better photographer.
Photography Lessons – It’s All About You
My individual and small group lessons cover a variety of subjects and will be tailored to exactly what you want to learn.
- Understand how to fully use your camera’s features
- The art of photography and composition
- The basics of photography
- Processing your photographs in Photoshop
- Impressionistic and other digital effects to create art from your photography
- Photographing in the field
- Hiking and great photography
- Just about any photography topic tailored to what you want to learn
I can accommodate everyone from beginner to advanced photographers. Locations can be in the studio, your home, in the field or anywhere you would like. It is all about you.
2 Hours
4 Hours
2 Hours
4 Hours
or more Participants
Contact me
The cost covers my time and use of my equipment if you would like to try it. Photographing in the field includes all costs for my travel to local areas within 25 miles of Medford, New Jersey.
Sign-Up to Get More Information
Fill out this form or email me at [email protected].