A New Jersey Pine Barrens Ghost Forest
Sometimes as a photographer it is good to take a risk. Not the dangle from a cliff or any put yourself in an unsafe condition kind of risk, this post is about taking subject or compositional risks.
Sometimes as a photographer it is good to take a risk. Not the dangle from a cliff or any put yourself in an unsafe condition kind of risk, this post is about taking subject or compositional risks.
Exploring A Special Swamp Note: All of the images in this post were made before the New Jersey closed the parks and state forests. One of the most unusual features of the New Jersey Pine Barrens are the swamps. Atlantic White Cedar swamps in particular. These are dark and wet places. Being in one is like entering a timeless, eerie and mystical [...]
As landscape photographers, sometimes we need to let the landscape tell the story and provide our interpretation in how we compose our photographs.
Warren Grove Cedars This peaceful and idyllic scene is a rare old growth cedar swamp located in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. It also happens to be on the not so peaceful Warren Grove Bombing Range. Air National Guard pilots bomb and strafe targets on a small area of this 9000 acre range. The rest is kept in its natural [...]